1st day home from surgery

whew. yeti is sleeping now. we have had her home since 1pm today and we have done well so far. she actually wanted to stand during dinner! i can tell from the other stories I have read, our biggest issue may be keeping her calm to avoid the seroma buildup. Feeling thankful for the positive thoughts and especially for the great care she received at our vet’s office. We live in Bozeman, which can seem like the wilderness when we have bears walk through town. Fortunately too, people like to visit this beautiful place, which means that we are lucky to have a traveling surgical oncologist from Seattle in town once a month to perform surgeries… And he works out of our vet’s office. And he had a spot open this month – only ten days after diagnosis. This all happened so fast – Yeti started limping mid-july on what we had thought was a sprain to x-rays august 8th, followed by diagnosis, heart break, and now a new trajectory. we are staying strong and figuring it out with lots of help. i appreciate reading through all of the posts that people have written and I hope to get the hang of being a blogger – new to me…

a shot of the yeti eating her dinner tonight…DSCN3988


yeti’s preferred sleep spot as a quadpod will likely be the same when we let her back on the furniture.  She will have to be off the meds first because she is an unpredictable stumblebeast right now in terms of getting around.


3 thoughts on “1st day home from surgery”

  1. Oh Yeti! I want to jump through the computer and snuggle with you on the couch! You are just a big ole’ squishy teddy bear!!

    You could join the “bear parade” through town. I doubt they have too many tripawd bears there!

    CONGRATULATIONS on your homecoming! Recovery can be a little rough for a week or two so just know we are here for any first hand experience advice we can offer.

    Just try and keep things chunked down for now…..one step at a time. Help Yeti through recovery and make sure you get plenty of sleep and “strees free” time. For me, “stress free” time is shoveling ice cream in my mouth:-)

    You have plenty of tme to do your research, talk to your vet and develop a plan of action. It’l make your head spin at first, but you’ve already done THE most important thing…..you’ve gotten rid of the pain! And once the recovery from surgery takes place, you will be amazed at how happy Yeti will be!

    Just stay in the moment. Yeti just wants to be with you and get all the loving and spoilng you’re able to give 24/7!! Yeti isn’t worried about a thing, doesn’t know he’s “sick” and could care less about anh prognosis. Yeti is just getting on with living!

    Remember, you are not alone! We are all here with you on this journey.

    And by oh boy….we sooooo look forward to more photos of the magificent Yeti!! Wonderful dog, just wonderful!

    Surronding you with healing energy,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww… yeah Yeti!!!
    You are probably the cutest 3 legged Yeti around!!
    It is such a good feeling when they are recouperting well from their surgery.. but you are right.. we really have to try to keep them calm and not too rowdy since they have so many veins and nerve ended that have been sutured, they need the time to heal properly!!
    I’m so glad she is doing well…

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